Our Story

The Aringa people are known to be one of the most unreached people groups in Uganda of the 10-40 window. They are a people group numbering about 700,000 with the majority (95%) being Muslim in the area of Midigo where we serve. During the dictatorship of Idi Amin (1971-1979 regime) the people in the West Nile region became Muslim under his influence. Later in 1990’s the region was torn apart by rebel groups and regional armed conflicts.

But God who is rich in mercy started to plant seeds of the Gospel in 2000. Twenty years later, God has a thriving ministry in Midigo, Uganda and is starting a new work through sharing the Gospel, ministering to the needs, building friendships, and changing hearts all for the glory of God. Isaiah 43:13 says “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

God has done this as He has opened new doors for the gospel through many ministries and projects. God has called Pastor Vincent Aniku (a national) as Senior Pastor and his wife Melissa Aniku (a missionary from America) to serve Him in Midigo for His glory, growing daily in His love for His people!

Calvary Chapel Midigo has a Nursery and Primary School with 920 students, a congregation over 500, a teens ministry of 700 and children’s ministry of 600. The church supports the government run hospital with 16 Christian nurses who share God’s love, the gospel and care for the sick or dying. The church also supplies the needed medication.

There is also a sport’s ministry that God has used not just to reach the community and soften hearts but as the opportunity to reach the whole country and bordering countries with the gospel. Under construction is a Library and Adult Education Center where God is leading to help the adults learn how to read and write using the Bible as His textbook. It is a safe place for the community to be free to learn God’s Word and a place for families to grow together.

The ministry has grown so quickly, and the harvest is so great that we are calling for other believers to co-labor with us in the Gospel for the glory of Christ.